Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh, this is Curriculum Night...

Steve and I went to "Curriculum Night" at Wm's kindergarten last night.  We basically got to learn all about what Wm will be learning this year.  It was exciting to see the kind of books he'll be able to read at the end of the year!  And pretty cool to hear about how the classroom runs.  The only thing that was disappointing is the math they are doing.  Wm can count to "infinity" (his words) - and  I have heard him count well into the he enjoys doing so all the time.  But the teacher said they will be working on counting to 10.  TEN!?!?  Then, they'll "possibly work up to" doing math that involves 5.  Like 3+2=5, 4+1=5, 6-1=5.  Ummm, note to kindergarten: Wm can do that in his sleep.  I've started explaining multiplication to him.  That dude loves math.  He is going to be BORED with math at school.  (Interesting sidebar: I had the opposite problem - math was boring because none of it made a lick of sense to my simple ladybrain. Sidebar to the sidebar: my simple ladybrain could also not do simple "lady" things like sewing...I got a C in Home Ec's sewing unit - no joke.  I sewed the legs of the shorts I was making closed [poorly]. I had to work my butt off at cooking and other homey arts to get it back up to an A so I wasn't humiliated.)

Wm had the best morning yet yesterday.  He did GREAT.  Got himself up, dressed, and teeth brushed all by himself without me asking.  Then he was happy and chipper all morning.  Popped on the bus, no problemo.  I was totally prepared for the After Long Weekend Meltdown.  But it did not come!  We may be through the worst!!
 Just remembered I had this cute picture from our walk Scioto walk with Mimi on my phone!

Meanwhile, the garden is in the final stages of death.  All we have left are fall crops: carrots, a dozen freakishly giant pumpkins that have taken over our entire hill and, weirdly, some butternut squash and gourds we did not plant.

 Steve showing off our butternut squash and gourd with an unexcited look on his face.

 Steve after I told him he should look more excited about our unexpected bounty.

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