Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The End is in Sight

We got the best news ever yesterday.  There was an envelope in Wm's mailbox at school when I picked him up...and in contained a wonderful letter!  A letter verifying that after this month, my pay deduction for child care will be nullified and we will have a credit of $140!!!  The means only this month and next month left to pay for!  Oh, glory, glory!!!  The bloodsuckers are almost done bleeding us dry!  Wm has developed an annoying disdain for kindergarten since he discovered Tye and Alex aren't going to the same school with him and is now insisting he is "never going to kindergarten" and staying in preschool forever.  Meanwhile, I am doing the dance of happiness that the end is in sight!!!

I put in a formal request for a flexible schedule at work that would shift my hours and allow for some working at home so that Wm can totally avoid latchkey.  Steve would be there to see him off to school and I'd be home at the end of the day.  That's something that's really important to me, so if they don't approve my flex time request at work, I will likely look for something with reduced hours so that I can be home when Wm gets home.

Wm got a venus fly trap!!  He is very proud of it and waters it every day.  Steve killed a fly and stuck it's fly corpse into the trap's trap and convinced Wm that his fly trap is a verifiable fly killer.  Wm was SO EXCITED.

Let no ice cream go to waste.

I have Julia Child's bread rising right now.  It is in direct competition with Ina Garten's for final winner of the Cory Standard Bread Recipe.  I will let you know the hotly contested results of the bake-off.

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