Monday, October 1, 2018

Still Missing

Schroeder is still missing. We did get a call last night from a neighbor that she'd spotted him and tried to lure him with tuna. But, it failed, he bolted, and he was gone by the time we got there (within 5 minutes!) Steve even went back out, after dark, to where he was spotted with a headlamp, treats, and a bowl of his food to see if he could coax him out again. No luck.

Besides trying to hunt up Schroeder, it was one of those weekends were it felt like we never stopped! Wm's friend left Saturday afternoon and Steve and I immediately took my phone to the Apple Genius Bar to get a new battery and then had to kill 2 hours at Costco while we waited on them to get it done. But, the experience was great and I highly recommend a $29 battery instead of a $1,000 phone! This may keep my old gal running for another couple years! And, of course, we managed to buy a cartload of items we only semi-needed from Costco.

On Sunday, we took Flip to the Dublin Pet Fair. He was, of course, delighted. Then we ran around like maniacs the rest of the day, cleaning and running errands. But, my favorite part was relaxing in the sunny hammock with Flip. I think he enjoyed himself, too:

Sunday relaxin'
Feeling the flow
Wm's new backpack arrived Friday. He's suuuuuper excited about it. He managed to destroy his rolly backpack through heavy use. So I got him some rugged monster backpack that should last him. It has a USB port. Which delights Wm to no end.
I was talking to my neighbor and her toddler started cranking around. She apologized and said he was having a bad day. I told her I remember those days and not to worry about it. Then I told her that she should enjoy it while it lasts because 12 is the worst. The interesting part about 12 is that, if you don't like the mood he's in, wait 30 seconds.

Wm is still Luna's #1 fan. He said that Luna kneading the blanket was the cutest thing he's ever seen...

I also cannot believe it's October already!!

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