Sunday, October 7, 2018


I have been feeling like I'm getting a cold for a few days. But, it's been a year and a half since I've been sick, so I kept telling myself I would fight it off. Sadly, I didn't fight it off. It has now been zero days since I've had a cold. My streak has ended.

When I got home from work on Friday and laid down to rest, Flip decided to sit ON me. It wasn't comfortable. Wm took a pic:
60 lbs of dog crushing me!
Time does not stand still because I have a cold! So Grandma and Grandpa came over on Friday night. I didn't feel terrible yesterday, so I powered through all my weekend chores in case I felt worse today. I do feel worse today, but still not TERRIBLE. So plans remain intact to go to Mingle with the Mutts with Suzanne! And bonus: the laundry is done, kitchen scrubbed, house dusted, and dining room cleaned. That only leaves stripping and washing all the bedding to do today! Easy peasy!

But now - The Big News: SCHROEDER IS RETURNED!!! He just showed up on the back porch last night! I was asleep (being sick), so Steve stuffed him into the basement. After a thorough flea and pest check, he has been released into the house. He is very skinny and we have brushed like 7 cats worth of hair off of him. And given him a metric ton of treats. Weirdly, Luna HATES him. She keeps growling and hissing at him. Apparently, she did not miss him, as we had assumed! I guess she liked being an only cat!

Wm actually sat for some pictures, but not without making a weird face.
Wm's loves to eat at the bar.
brown muffin, yogurt, and weird face on a Sunday morning
Wm had a project for his European Lit class. He wrote a long story and wanted to bind it into mini book. He spent forever trying to think of how to bind it. Then, Steve got on board and the two of them tried to hash it out. They couldn't come up with a good plan. So, of course, I stepped in and saved the day. :-)  Steve then made some structural improvements while they were binding it. Afterwards, we were looking at the finished product and Wm goes, "I'm the creator, Mum comes up with the ideas, and Pop is the worker." Steve yelled, "I am the improver! I improve on the bad ideas you and Mum come up with." Ha! Also, true. I've always told Steve that I am the Idea Man and he is the Implementer (cause, believe it or not, all my ideas aren't super solid right out of the gate!)

We got an email from Wm's Algebra II teacher this morning (well, she cc-ed me on an email she sent to Wm). I had to share because I'm so proud of him! It read:
I wanted to send a quick note to praise you for your participation in class, your improvement taking notes and being engaged. I can tell that you will be successful in Algebra II!
Wm is on target to finish Algebra II this semester (he's currently getting an A!) and will start Geometry next semester. So, he will start 8th grade in Trig/Pre-Calc.  After he gets to high school, he'll likely be in college-level math. Genius.

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