Monday, June 18, 2018

Camp Week

Wm is off to COSI camp this week! He LOVED it last year, so I have high hopes. He was sad about having to wake up this morning (now that he's used to sleeping in!), so I reminded him that I signed him up for video design camp that involves computer programming in Scratch, which he adores. So, then, he was all bubbly with excitement.

This is Hell Week at work for me, so I am real glad it's my last week before vacation! We have huge groups of students coming in every single day for Orientation. Plus, my schedule is all wonky because I have to drop off and pick up Wm at odd times from COSI. I made Steve promise to be extra nice to me this week!

Speaking of the Old Ball and Chain, I hope he had a good Father's Day! I took him out for a giant margarita and he got drunk as a skunk. He also got a bubbling, massaging foot spa like he's been asking for forever (I finally cracked), and was pleased as punch! Wm wrote him a very nice card and he got peach pie and ice cream. Through no planning at all on my part, the World Cup is also on. So, basically, Steve is living the dream!! He even went to play soccer in this ungodly heat.

We've also finally completed the half bath! There are fun purple accents you can't really see, but you get the idea! Farewell gold accents, hello new toilet, wallpaper, faucet, door/doorknob, towel ring, and toilet paper holder! Still to come at some point is new white grout to make the ceramic tiles pop!!

Before. Ew.

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