Tuesday, June 12, 2018


I wanted to get a picture of Wm sleeping cutely in his giant bed, but a weird demon invaded the shot in his rush to wake Wm up with kisses. Notice Wm's old lady valance. That was here when we moved in (there was one in our bedroom, too!) Before we were even fully moved in, I had ripped the one in our bedroom down because it haunted me. I was on my way to do the same thing in Wm's room and he goes, "No! I LOVE IT!! I want to keep it!" So, Wm is keeping his floral valance. He's a weird kid. Next thing you know, he's going to have a damask settee.  He's got to be one of very few 12 year old boys who love floral old lady valances!! Different strokes for different folks!
Invading demon, morning light

I think Wm is getting a little summer cold. He always gets crabby pre-illness and he was a bit of a pill all weekend, so that explains it! Right about the time I'm ready to sell him to the gypsies, the coughing starts and then it all makes sense. I hope he gets it all out of his system before COSI camp next week!

Wm and I took Flip for a looooong walk yesterday and explored parts of our new neighborhood we hadn't seen. And we found the most gorgeous street. But, it was a hike!! When we got home, I got all the good snuggles! My most favorite thing is snuggles! And Flip is the only one left who snuggles me.
Flip is my favorite person

Wm goes to the doctor tomorrow for his 12 year check up. He's getting shots. He was all upset about the shots, but then he watched videos on YouTube about vaccinations and then he wanted all the details about what he's vaccinated against and has developed a hatred of anti-vaxxers. Now he's jazzed to get his shots and cross some additional scary diseases off his list of worries. He is upset that he doesn't get the smallpox vaccine.

It's kind of nice having Wm home for summer. I texted him and asked him to sweep the downstairs since it seemed crumby. I checked in a while later and asked if it was done and he said it was - so I asked if he'd picked up a bunch of crumbs. He goes, "only under my seat." Sounds about right.

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