Well, the last couple weeks have been intense. It started when we discovered that our first buyer was insane. After the inspection, he made a stink about old wiring. He kept trying to get us to drop the price of the house nearly $15k. Finally, we figured out that he was scamming us (basically, his realtor "fired" him and called our realtor to clue us when we he smelled a rat). We DO have some old wiring, but that was just the start of this guy's Master Plan. It was REALLY stressful. But, luckily, we had a similar backup offer. So, we were only out of contract for 5 minutes. Our new buyer had her inspection yesterday, and we fully disclosed everything we knew and sent her the other inspection report, so there were no surprises. But, it was still super nerve-wracking. I heard from her last night that we are still a go! The appraisal is today and then, HOPEFULLY, smooth sailing until closing. But, this has definitely not been an easy sale!!
On top of the stress of this home sale, Flip has been sick for a week. He seemed to occasionally get better, then he'd be sick again. The day of the inspection, I came home to get him and do a final staging to discover he had diarrhea all over his crate. Which was...not a good surprise. Then, yesterday, I came home and he'd thrown up in there. So, to the vet he went. He has a bacterial infection - likely from eating something weird off the ground. He now has a whole pharmacy of medicine to take. The good news is, that after just a couple doses, he does seem a bit better. I have my fingers crossed that his improvement continues! How could anyone resist this face:
On top of the stress of this home sale, Flip has been sick for a week. He seemed to occasionally get better, then he'd be sick again. The day of the inspection, I came home to get him and do a final staging to discover he had diarrhea all over his crate. Which was...not a good surprise. Then, yesterday, I came home and he'd thrown up in there. So, to the vet he went. He has a bacterial infection - likely from eating something weird off the ground. He now has a whole pharmacy of medicine to take. The good news is, that after just a couple doses, he does seem a bit better. I have my fingers crossed that his improvement continues! How could anyone resist this face:
I am sick..but still beg for food! |
A huuuuuuge shout out to Steve. Who has his 2 biggest tournaments of the year coming up at work, is dealing with all the this selling crap, and now a sick pup. I really don't know what I'd do without him. He's been my rock. Even if he's faking his calm, it's working.
Leaving The Ville isn't easy. We will miss this. Here is a nightly ritual - hanging out at the park with the neighbors and doggos. We also just found out they are putting in a great restaurant at the end of our street this year!! I will have to settle for a 2 car attached garage and my own bathroom, though. :) But, it's not without some serious mixed feelings that we head out...
April snows SUCK, but they sure are pretty! We will miss this view...
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