Thursday, April 12, 2018

Plugging Along

Things are plugging right along. The closings on both houses are scheduled and we're just getting ready for the move now. I feel like we have a lot of packing and prep to do and Steve is very blase about it. I'm trying to channel his calm!! We close in 2 weeks!

Wm has been moved to Physics at school. He did a science pre-test and aced it.  Apparently the first day of class, some other kid in the class was like, "you're in 6th grade?" and then he goes, "Well, I know a 6th grader in ALGEBRA!" Wm asked who and the kid goes, "William." Of course, to that, he answered, "I'm William." The other kid was just like, "oh." Haha!! Wm is like King of Nerds. A nerd legend. Other nerds tell tales of Wm. Although, he still manages to be hilariously clueless sometimes. Just yesterday, he was talking about "Jack and the bean plant." I was like, "You mean Jack and the beanstalk?" Wm goes, "Oh...yeah." So, there's that.

Wm had a "showcase" at school yesterday. Steve and I went. I took a ton of pictures. Then Wm copped some major tween attitude and we left shortly after it began. So, it wasn't a good time. Wm has now been banned from screens this week. So he's all contrite. This will last approximately 30 seconds after screens are restored to him.

In other news, despite my best efforts, stupid Luna has grown on me. She's still annoying. But she's cute. And she's very sweet. And she and Flip are adorable best friends. Here is Luna being cute:

She and Flip both sleep in our bed every night
And here is a video of Luna shamelessly trying to get Flip to pay attention to her. And failing. But, this is when Flip wasn't feeling his best:

When Flip felt better, he did enjoy some light butt licking. I love when Wm shows up and the tails start wagging!

Then, I had to drag Steve out of bed this morning. He had ignored the alarm and the light being flipped on - AND Wm and I both getting ready. After he was finally up and about, I went back into the bedroom to grab something and discovered this happening:

Poor Steve has his 2 tournaments in a row coming up, so this is his busiest time at work. And, on top of that, the move. If he can survive the next 3 weeks, he's home free!

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