Sunday, January 14, 2018


I made an eye appointment for me and Wm on Friday at 4pm. Unbeknownst to me, Snowmageddon was headed our way! Luckily, the eye doctor was close because I had to drive us home through sleet and ice with dilated pupils. My eyes are still great! And Wm's are stable. He got new frames, which should arrive later next week. But then, while we slept, 5 inches of snow fell. So we woke up on Saturday and decided that we weren't leaving the house! 

We did go out to shovel. And I told Wm if he shoveled our neighbor's sidewalk, I'd sign off on an hour of service for him. He then whined around that his fingers were numb until he was presented with hot chocolate.
Steve was hanging out cutely on the couch, resting his face on a pillow.
Me: Hey, just FYI, Flip's entire butthole and wiener were just mashed all up against that pillow. I haven't washed it yet; it's on the agenda for later. So you're covered in a bunch of dog nether juice.
Steve: Shut up. No I'm not.
Me: [shows this picture]
Exhibit A
Steve: Ugh. Oh well, he's constantly licking both those things and then licking my face anyway.

Last night, I was reading on the couch and Wm was upstairs in his room doing whatever weirdness he gets up to in there when he texted me a picture. I loved his caption!

Since we were snowed in yesterday, we are doing all the things today! We rolled out of bed and went to breakfast at our favorite place. Then Steve went to play soccer and we grocery shopped. Afterwards, we took Flip to PetPeople to get him booties (we did not get him booties since they didn't have his size). He was very ill-behaved and tried to eat or steal all the things, but still left with a Sherlock Holmes fleece and bacon flavored NylaBone.
Both new items in use
We then went to the library and will shortly leave to go see Jumanji. Wm is REAL excited about it because Steve has promised him pretzel bites. Meanwhile, I (like a NORMAL PERSON) have packed my own bag of home goodies to smuggle in for free intend of paying $900 for some pretzels. Once we get home, I have loaded baked potatoes (made in the Instant Pot!) on the menu and then a nice evening of reading and watching Pitbulls and Parolees in bed.

Tomorrow, Steve heads to work (chump!) and Wm and I will loaf around, like we do.

Oh, also, at his annual check up, we found out Schroeder has some weird tooth/gum anomaly and he needs to have at least one tooth pulled. To the tune of $500. But, the good news is that the doctor said he's in a lot of pain (NOT THE GOOD NEWS), so maybe he's been extra grumpy recently because of the pain. And once the tooth is out and his gum has healed (it's more a gum issue that tooth issue), he may be more willing to be friendly with Flip instead of trying to claw his eyes out because he's not in pain anymore. The pain may also be causing his nighttime yowling. So, hopefully we will have a much happier cat soon!!

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