Friday, January 12, 2018

Shoe Mixup

Well, Wm has reached a new milestone! We got home from school and I was going to take Flip for a walk. I was looking everywhere for my sneaks and couldn't find them. Finally, I realized that Wm had worn them to school!! We both have black Nikes and he had just grabbed mine and worn them all day. We are only a half size apart now, so it's an easy mistake! It freaks me out that Wm, basically, wears the same size shoe that I do! Captain Tiny is getting big!!

He has also continued to tinker around on his keyboard and is getting quite good!

We are supposed to get a weird snow storm tonight. So we are planning to snuggle in tomorrow! Then we're planning a movie and adventures (maybe sledding!) on Sunday. Wm and I are off for MLK Day, but Steve has to work on Monday. Wm is actually off today AND Tuesday for Round Tables. He has his Round Table on Tuesday. It should be interesting! (At Metro, in lieu of conferences, they have Round Tables - which is, basically, where the kids create a presentation for parents and their teachers about what they've learned, what they think strengths/weaknesses are, how they are doing in class, and request any help they need. Kids only report to school for their Round Table during those 2 days.)

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