Monday, July 17, 2017


Well, I have a great video of Wm playing his latest song on the violin, but YouTube currently has an error and says to try again later. So, I guess this is just a teaser for the video of Wm playing the violin!


Meanwhile, we are Wm-less. He is with his grandparents for the week. So there will not be any fun Wm updates this week! Next week is our staycation, so there should be lots of fun things going on! We plan to go hiking in the Hocking Hills one day, maybe going to King's Island one day, go see some movies, go to the zoo, basically do a bunch of cool stuff - along with a bunch of slugging, too!

Steve took Wm up to NEO on Saturday and I stayed home with The Hell Hound. I was not alone, however! My friend Melanie came over and we hung out, we went out to lunch, my mom came over and hung out with us, we walked up for ice cream and went to the park. It was glorious. I also slept well in an empty house because of said Hell Hound. Steve returned home Sunday afternoon and we went to an open house (yuck) and then gave Flip a bath. As a reward for behaving in the bath, we bought him an expensive "indestructible" toy. Here is what it looked like 20 minutes later:

Flip can destroy ANYTHING. He had his first fancy training and I HATED it. I hated the guy, I hated the training, I hated it all. The trainer was incredibly sexist AND racist. Wm peaced out and didn't come out of his room until he left after he compared dog training to wife training. After he was gone, Wm came out and was like, "OMG - that guy was SO sexist!" Haha! But, the good news is, I have modified his stupid training to be Flip-specific and it seems to be going well! He hasn't nibbled on anyone's gizzard, he isn't jumping as much, and he's walking like a dream! I'm sure Flip, more than anyone, is super sad Wm is gone. Wm has been his at-home buddy all summer. This will be a long week for Flip!

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