Sunday, July 30, 2017

The End

Well, all good things must come to an end. And, thus, our staycation comes to a close. We are all super bummed. But, we had a grand time and it was just the thing we needed here at the tail end of the summer!

It's another gorgeous day and we are making the most of it! I also went to Target to create a care package for a friend having surgery this week. While I was there, I snagged some snacks and treats and we figure we'll go out with a bang and have a last family movie night tonight!

Not only have they decided to close my freeway exit, but they are also changing up the parking situation at work. I am afraid it will be way dicier to get on and off campus now. So no more coming home at lunch to let Flip out. Wm only has a couple more weeks of summer and then the dog will be home alone from 7:15-3:30(isn). That's a long time to be locked in his crate without a break!! So, we have been letting him have the run of the house for short periods while we go on errands So far, so good!! Flip would rather take his own dog life than pee in the house, but he is a chewer!! And we haven't had anything destroyed so far!

Speaking of chewing, he managed to steal a wool dryer ball (thanks to a certain Tiny Evil Wm who just threw it on the floor of his room!) Here he is destroying it. Wait for his fluff beard!!

And, Wm is wise beyond his years...
Me: Come here.
Wm: No.
Me: Don't you love and trust your mother?
Wm: I love you. But I don't trust you.

Which, as it turns out, is smart. Because I had planned to tickle him. Then I had to settle for a hug and pretend like that was the plan all along.

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