Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Flip Wins

Well, Flip has won. He has conquered us. I got home from work yesterday to, once again, be greeted at the door by an escaped Flip. Only, this time, he has pretty much demolished his crate. He somehow had managed to flip the entire floor out, thus caving in the sides, so he could knock in the whole front section. He, however, seemed unscathed. And the only mischief he got into was stringing mint floss from the bathroom trash around Wm's bedroom. So, today, he is a free man. We closed all the bedroom/bathroom doors and so he has the run of the downstairs. I have my fingers crossed that it is not destroyed when I get home!!
So much for the expensive crate!
Flip for his part, was all, "sorry not sorry!" This was him when I got home from work:
I do what I want!
I gave him a talking to, but I don't think he took me seriously. No idea why.

The cats are now pretty much fully restored to their former selves. Luna slept with Wm and Schroeder slept under our bed (while Flip slept on top!) They still run from the dog, but as long as he ignores them, they just go about their cat business. We are so glad to see them again!

And Wm is still loving having a fun playmate! It's very handy for me because Wm is always grumpy about getting out of bed. I say to Flip, "go get William!" and he runs into Wm's room, leaps on his bed, and licks his face and in his ears. Works like a charm! Flip also has his own stuffed animal he enjoys attacking viciously. And Wm loooooves to play tug-o-war with him. They are really cute. Flip usually wins, but Wm is figuring out a strategy!

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