Friday, January 6, 2017

New Specs

We are all back to school/work and grumpy about it. Alarm clocks, packed lunches, and homework are all back in our lives. We had a great run, though! And it's been a busy week back to the grind! Yesterday, Wm to the eye doctor and go himself some new specs. Well, he picked them out and we ordered them - they won't come in for a week. But here is a sneak preview of the ones he picked out:

The eye doctor was all horrified that his eyes had gotten worse since last year and I'm like, "get used to it - he has 2 blind parents whose eyes got worse every single year." BUT, she told Wm that it's from staring at a screen too much (which I doubt, but I'm not complaining since he took it all seriously and decided he needs frequent screen breaks). She also dilated his pupils, which Wm was NOT a fan of. He sat around in our dark living room repeatedly asking, "how long do those drops last???"

Steve got his annual bonus (WOOT!) which we are going to use some of to spruce up our WC. I also read an article that leads me to believe we are not changing our bath towels out frequently enough. So we are spending our weekend getting ALL the towels and commencing plans for Project Bathroom Improvement. And also Schroeder goes to the vet for his annual check-up and gets a thermometer stuck up his cat butt. Which is definitely deserves after the Christmas tree debacle.

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