Monday, August 22, 2016


Me and Steve's iPad died. Well, is actively dying. It's still quasi-functional, which means we can sell it. But it was definitely time for a new one! And, because he is THE BEST, Steve let me get a rose gold one! I have named it Pinky and it is my new best friend!
Me and Pinky, BFF's
I used it a bunch this weekend, when I wasn't really feeling 100%. We laid around like giant slugs. Which was kind of a bummer, since it was gorgeous outside! Wm is, very sadly, at Clubhouse today and tomorrow. None of his friends are there, apparently. So he's being tortured. But they are his last 2 days there ever ever ever! This does not seem to appease him and he's very grumpy.

School starts on Wednesday, though! Tomorrow he gets to leave Clubhouse extra early because it is Meet the Teacher. We don't really care since Wm won't really see his homeroom teacher much at all, HOWEVER, we can drop off his 2 giant bags of school supplies. Which means he will not have to lug them to middle school on the first day! So we will likely sneak in, drop off supplies, say a quick "howdy do," and head out. But it's so worth it!

I do not enjoy the start of school. For us, it just means corralling homework, school activities, and set calendars of start/stop times into our day. Summer is so nice! We can drop him off when we want, pick him up when we want, and we can do whatever we want when we want! But school means the start of The Routine again. :( Wm, however, loves school. So that's good! But I remain quietly displeased.

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