Friday, July 29, 2016

Bloody Friday

It has been a rough time of it! Yesterday, the morning started off poorly when I spilled milk all over the inside of the fridge and my lunch, dropped an egg on the floor, and then my car died on the way to work. I got it restarted again and got to work (and home)! So, today, we dropped the car off at the garage and Wm off at clubhouse - then I just worked from home. But, about 9:30, I got a call from the director of clubhouse. Wm had been accidentally kicked in the nose and had the mother of all nose bleeds. Right after the last one, he was especially prone, I'm sure - and I guess the kick was also especially hard. The one he had on vacation was BAD, and Wm said this one was waaaaay worse. It must have freaked the director out, because she was like, "COME NOW." Only...I didn't have a car. Luckily, they are only about a block away. So I ran like the wind to clubhouse and Wm was sitting in the office, covered in blood, with teary eyes. The director goes, "He keeps begging for aspirin! But that is a blood thinner!" I said, "Afrin. He wants AFRIN. I brought some!" I gave him a snort and that stopped him up right away. The director was very impressed!  After all the drama, Wm was done for the day, so he just came home with me. We stopped at the little bakery on the way home and I got him a cookie to replenish him.

A while later, Steve called and said the mechanic can't figure out what is wrong with my car and we had to go pick it up. So now I'm going to have to drive it all around and just wait for it to completely die so they can figure out what's up. Steve said he'd drive it to work, but I don't think it's smart to have him driving on the freeways out to the boonies in it!! So, basically, it has not been a good couple days!

BUT - we went to Hofbrauhaus for dinner and got bier cheese pretzels, schnitzel, and a cream puff. Which means we all have lunch for tomorrow too! So things are looking up! We are heading to the Ohio State fair tomorrow, so that should be fun! Assuming the rain holds off....

Oh, and anyone that did not cry copious tears when Hillary Clinton accepted her historic nomination can suck it. (Steve will be sucking it since he slept/snored through the entire thing.)

Also, Wm is getting really good at his violin skeelz!

This one is played pizzicato (plucking), for a different effect:

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