Saturday, July 30, 2016

Amish Paradise

We woke up this morning and it was hot and humid and Wm said he still wasn't feeling 100%, so we put off the fair until next weekend. Instead, we just did some fun little things! First, I made french toast. I was halfway through making it when I realized we were out of milk. Being the problem solver I am, I used Steve's salted carmel creamer instead. And let me tell you, if you want a breakfast treat, make french toast with salted carmel creamer! Steve was very impressed.

Then we walked up to the farmer's market and little shops. After lunch, we went and got all of Wm's school supplies. That stuff is crazy expensive. We didn't even get everything and it was over $100! I have no idea how low income folks can afford that. I hope there is some mechanism in place because it's out of control! I am hoping, though, that Wm is the coolest kid in class with the awesome Brutus flash drive I am getting him from work! They had some cool ones at Office Max...but no Brutus!  

This afternoon, we decided to take a drive out the boonies to visit the amish market. It was full of awesome stuff like...
Canned beef...who knew?
Weird tubes of various pie and donut fillings
Bags of Lucky Charms marshmallows alone
A bag of flour that weighs as much as Wm and cost about a nickel!
After dinner, we decided on a family movie night. Steve selected Spies Like Us. Which he is enjoying. But I am currently doing this. And Wm disappeared a long time ago. I'm going to go ahead and vote that the movie does not hold up.

Steve and his buddy watching the movie

Friday, July 29, 2016

Bloody Friday

It has been a rough time of it! Yesterday, the morning started off poorly when I spilled milk all over the inside of the fridge and my lunch, dropped an egg on the floor, and then my car died on the way to work. I got it restarted again and got to work (and home)! So, today, we dropped the car off at the garage and Wm off at clubhouse - then I just worked from home. But, about 9:30, I got a call from the director of clubhouse. Wm had been accidentally kicked in the nose and had the mother of all nose bleeds. Right after the last one, he was especially prone, I'm sure - and I guess the kick was also especially hard. The one he had on vacation was BAD, and Wm said this one was waaaaay worse. It must have freaked the director out, because she was like, "COME NOW." Only...I didn't have a car. Luckily, they are only about a block away. So I ran like the wind to clubhouse and Wm was sitting in the office, covered in blood, with teary eyes. The director goes, "He keeps begging for aspirin! But that is a blood thinner!" I said, "Afrin. He wants AFRIN. I brought some!" I gave him a snort and that stopped him up right away. The director was very impressed!  After all the drama, Wm was done for the day, so he just came home with me. We stopped at the little bakery on the way home and I got him a cookie to replenish him.

A while later, Steve called and said the mechanic can't figure out what is wrong with my car and we had to go pick it up. So now I'm going to have to drive it all around and just wait for it to completely die so they can figure out what's up. Steve said he'd drive it to work, but I don't think it's smart to have him driving on the freeways out to the boonies in it!! So, basically, it has not been a good couple days!

BUT - we went to Hofbrauhaus for dinner and got bier cheese pretzels, schnitzel, and a cream puff. Which means we all have lunch for tomorrow too! So things are looking up! We are heading to the Ohio State fair tomorrow, so that should be fun! Assuming the rain holds off....

Oh, and anyone that did not cry copious tears when Hillary Clinton accepted her historic nomination can suck it. (Steve will be sucking it since he slept/snored through the entire thing.)

Also, Wm is getting really good at his violin skeelz!

This one is played pizzicato (plucking), for a different effect:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sleeping Beauty

Wm was a sickly dude yesterday. I asked him what felt bad and he went "EVERYTHING!" But, he slept until almost 9am today - which, may be, the latest he has ever slept!! And when he woke up, he was feeling much better! I think he'll be good to return to Clubhouse tomorrow.

Steve texted at 8am to ask how Wm was feeling and this is what I sent him back:

I kept going in to make sure he was still alive! 

I have also discovered a great way to get Wm to eat!! He has eaten better the last couple days than he has...ever. The trick is multiple small courses! Wm does great with small bits coming at him constantly. So, for instance, tonight we are having mixed veggies with Ranch dip, then a cheese plate, then salmon with rice, then fruit (then dessert for Wm). I found that I can present Wm with a bunch of fruit, add a squirt of whipped cream on top, and he will eat the entire bowl! I'm telling you...I'm figuring this kid out. 

Wm finished The Martian the last night of vacation. So, when we got home, he had nothing to read. He was all upset, so I scanned our bookshelf (which is really light since I got the Kindle). I had been given a free copy of a book OSU was considering for it's common read. It was a book selected to challenge college-level readers, but the inside cover sounded interesting. So I gave it to Wm and he's breezing through it!! He loves it! We are heading to the library today to get some more things so he won't run out when he finishes. Wm loves to read...but good luck getting him to talk to you about the book. He is a mix of me and his father, that's for sure!

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Our last day was the most fun!! We found the PERFECT beach - not crowded, with crystal clear water (and not freezing cold!) We floated around in an tube, kayaked along the beach, and Steve fresh water snorkeled with his goggles. It was a blast!!

Then we went out for a really good dinner with Grandma and Grandpa - and had some super delish ice cream after. Wm loved the Kayak and Surf Shop's mascot. Check out his doggie eyebrows!

That was his mood the entire time - chill.
We did have some bumps along with road during the trip home! First, just as we were getting ready to hit the road, Wm got a really bad nose bleed. He kept getting these big, nasty clots globbing out. So he wouldn't freak out, I just told him they were "bloody boogers" - which he thought was funny. It took us over 30 minutes to get it stopped. And the cleaning crew at the rental house will think someone was murdered - there was blood everywhere! When we finally got on the road, about an hour into the drive, the "Check Engine" light came on. Then the cruise control stopped working. Luckily, the car seemed to drive fine as long as you didn't try to use cruise. When we stopped for gas, we discovered why...
Steve had filled up the tank and seriously just walked away. Did not put the gas cap back on. Did not close the gas door. So air got into the gas tank and freaked the car out. And my gas cap was gone by that point. So we had to stop at Autozone and get a new one. But the cruise still won't work until we get the computer reset. So Steve's punishment for his weird gas-and-dash was that he had to drive for over 5 hours without cruise! 
And Wm woke up today and goes, "my throat feels weird. [COUGH] [SNEEZE]" So I think he got run down on vacation and now has a cold. It would also explain the nasty nose bleed. His sinuses are in open rebellion. At least we got home safe and sound!! And I'm 3/4 of the way done with laundry!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Lake Livin'

Today is our last day of vacation. We leave for home tomorrow. I'm ready to sleep in my own bed, so I'm not too broken up about it! But Steve is taking it hard. He is having a blast!! He also goes back to work Monday and I don't return until Wednesday. So I think that has an effect!

We went and watched the sunset on the beach one night...
Wm photobombing our selfie

The boys skipping stones
Wm with a chocolate mustache
We drove to a cute little fishing village the other evening. We poked around a bunch of cute shops and had fish and chips at a restaurant on the water. It was super fun!
Wm in the fishing village
Steve is off kayaking and when he gets back, we are going to go load up on fudge. Because 'Murica. Then, after lunch, we are going to go slug at that awesome beach we found until dinner time. 

No one slept well last night because it was too hot. Wm was sleeping in the king bed with Steve and I because his bedroom scares him. But about 1am, he goes, "Pop is breathing like an animal!" and left. Hahaha!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


We are having MUCH better weather this time around than we did last time we were here! The very first day we were here, it was overcast and then rainy. But it has been GORGEOUS every day since! I haven't had my phone with me as much (actually experiencing life instead of snapping pictures of it!) But I have managed to compile some pictures of my own with various others stolen from family. 

Hike: Day 1
The Boys hiking
A bit windy!
Top o' the dune!
We made it too!
This is how we beach.
Another dune hike!
Wm being cute
Eye of the tiger!
Wm snap!

Steve with an amazing view
The Boys breaking dune rules
Awesome beach we found - heading there Friday for the day!
Wm is actually having a great time at the beach! He has been busy building sand castles and moats - as well and finding interesting rocks. At the last beach pictured, the water is crystal clear and you can see all these cool rocks on the bottom. The water is also really placid, so Wm learned how to skip rocks and we had to drag him away. Tomorrow, we are heading to a little fishing village. But then, Friday, our last full day, we are heading back to that last beach to hang for the day. It was awesome!! Then, Saturday, we head back home to de-sand everything!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Last Day!

This is me and Wm's last day of work/clubhouse before vacation! (Attention, burglars, we are leaving a highly trained ninja at home - so don't break in!) Steve works tomorrow - and he works LATE. So it's up to Wm and I to pack and organize and do all the vacation prep. We are up to the challenge. We are also up for hair cuts and fun lunches out with Mimi. I think we got the better end of the bargain, here! Steve will also just have to wear whatever I pack him. I'm drunk with power!

A couple days ago, I was telling Wm my theory about how men are whiners with low pain thresholds and if men had the babies, the human race would die out. So, yesterday, he's talking about how some kid fell down at clubhouse and cried. Wm was like, "He was totally fine. There was no need for all that. I guess you were right...if men had the babies, humans would be extinct!" Clearly, that kid is listening and digesting my Pearls of Wisdom.

Expect fun vacation updates soon! The weather looks to be WAY better than last time! So there may actually be some beach action this year!!

Monday, July 11, 2016


Wm enjoyed his relaxing weekend. I did make him work on his cursive, practice his violin, and do Khan Academy - but he got plenty of down time too! Last night, he helped me make chicken and dumplings for dinner. He chopped up all the veggies (thank you, Mimi's garden for the delish green beans!), the chicken, and dropped in the dumplings. While I was setting the table, I said, "you're going to eat this, right?" Wm laughed and laughed like I had told a hilarious joke and went, "NO!" And he did not. So, instead, he made his own little plate that had plain chicken, carrots, blueberries, and crackers. He ate it all up, so I call it a win! And Steve and I enjoyed his chicken and dumplings! If Wm ever decides to eat actual food, he will, at least, know how to cook it!

We are sharing the family laptop now that Wm's is dead. I told him it's fine if he wants to keep it in his room since neither Steve nor I use it often. Wm said, "I'd rather keep it downstairs. I feel disconnected from the family when I'm in my room all the time." Yay!!! 

Also, here is Schroeder cutely napping in his little bed in the sun. I couldn't get any closer or I'd wake him up and if I zoomed in any more, it would've been super grainy. But, you get the gist. There is nothing like a cat snoozing in the sun to make me feel cozy!!

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Wm has returned! He's back in my clutches. Mooohahaha! He said coming home was bittersweet. He had so much fun visiting with family and going on adventures - but he missed his home and his 'rents. Here he is on the way home!
Happy boy!
Steve is so thrilled to have him home, he decided not to go to work today, as planned, so he can hang out with Wm. Honestly, though, I think it was so he could sleep in. I got up around 6:30, as usual. Wm usually beats me up. But, not today!! He slept for another hour - only waking up after Schroeder decided he was sleeping way too long and jumped all around yowling. Wm was super tired! Here is he is snoozing at about 7am (which is CRAZY for Wm!):

out like a light
And it is now about 8:30 and Steve is STILL sleeping. Wm is just finishing breakfast and then we are heading to Whole Foods. Steve may wake up to an empty house if he sleeps too much longer!

Wm says he wants to "relax" today, so we are going to lay around. This will give me an opportunity to make some zucchini bread with our garden bounty and finish up my all purpose cleaner (I have been soaking lemon rinds in vinegar for a week in preparation!) Wm is currently watching funny videos while he eats and giggling. I missed that sound!!

And, more adventures are coming -- we leave soon for vacation in Michigan!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Sexist Pig

Steve has been super evil today.

Steve: I have to mow the lawn tonight.
Me: Hey, I was going to take a walk, but I can mow the lawn instead! Do you want me to mow it?
Steve: No.
Me: Why not?
Steve: You'll kill yourself.
Me: Seriously?
Steve: And you won't do a good job.

Me: I think we should take that painting down. I have decided I don't like it anymore.
Steve: Whatever you say.
Me: You'll need to do a bit of wall repair.
Steve: What? Why?
Me: I had some trouble hanging it. So I kinda made a mess back there. I didn't tell you because the painting hides it. There may be a number of, possibly large, nail holes. Plus the nails that I finally got in correctly.
Steve: UGH. Before you do anything around the house, beyond cooking or cleaning, ask me first so I can just do it.
Steve: [evil laugh]

He claims he was kidding, but I'm not so sure. I just read him what I wrote and then the previous line and he said, "you're just making it worse!" I told him he's lucky I didn't Livestream it. But, silver lining, now he's agreed to take a walk with me! Probably guilt.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Steve and I are still childless and alone. And, sadly, Steve was unable to fix Wm's computer, so it is officially dead. Dell, we hardly knew ye. Since Wm is not here, nothing exciting is going on, really. So here's a throwback picture of 1 year old Willie!
I had a fat baby once!
Steve and I are going out to a fancy dinner tonight at a restaurant Wm hates. The last time we went, he whined his balls off. So it should be much more pleasant this time! Though, it's a soccer day, so Steve will be stinky. I am not deterred!! (Speaking of stinky, Steve got a crazy rash under his arm that I cured with my awesome deodorant. If there is problem - YO! - I'll solve it.)

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wm's Superfuntimes

Wm is up in NE Ohio having the time of his life with Grandma, Aunt Amy, and his cousins, Andrew and Tyler. Here is a sampling of the day he had:

This would explain why he has ignored my texts all day (with the exception of texting me to ask if he could spend $1.99 on some app). I can't say I blame him - it looks like he is having a blast!! Steve, meanwhile, is quite depressed about the fact that Wm is gone. He misses him A LOT. Poor Steve...Willie is his best bud! I do miss my partner in crime - but I'm also happy that I don't have to "keep him company" when he takes a shower by sitting on the toilet while he steams me to death and talks about weird tech stuff.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Long Weekend Fun

We've had a great long weekend so far! My department chair sent us all home at lunch on Friday, so I came home and watched BBC shows on the iPad while Schroeder snuggled me until it was time to go get Wm. It was glorious.
Snuggle friend
Steve even left work early (and isn't going in to work at all this weekend!) So we went out to Jeni's to celebrate!

More ice cream on his shirt than in his mouth

I asked Steve for a bite of his...
Then, on Saturday, Suzanne and Graham came over for pizza, fire pit fun, and s'mores! I even talked Steve into taking a walk with me - and stopping at the farmer's market to buy beautiful sunflowers.

Feels like summer!
Wm's computer hard drive died, which makes him very sad, but is awesome. He has been hanging out with us for once! Steve is at the store now loading up on movie snacks and we are all going to watch Goosebumps and stuff ourselves full of popcorn and Chex Mix! (There may be more s'mores in our future, too!) It was supposed to thunderstorm (lending the ambiance necessary for Goosebumps viewing), but it appears to be holding off. It's nice and cool today, so we have the windows open and a breeze blowing through. A perfect day!

Tomorrow, Wm is heading up to Grandma and Grandpa's for the week. He is very excited!! The Big Secret is that Steve has found a hard drive online that should fix his computer. But we told Wm it is a goner. So when he gets home, he should have a working computer again!! His excitement will know no bounds. Shhhh!!

Friday, July 1, 2016


Wm went to the doctor for his 10 year check up. He did great - even though he had to get a shot! He has grown 2 inches and gained 6 pounds in the last year! The doctor said Wm is growing VERY consistently - he has grown exactly 2 inches every single year since he was 6. Wm likes his routines! The doctor said that kind of slow and steady growth probably means he will be a late bloomer - but will continue growing after most of his peers have stopped. So he many not be tiny forever!

Wm did not like getting his shot. It was supposed to be just an easy Hep A booster, but when the nurse did it, he looked at her and went, "OW! That hurt!" As if she had purposefully injured him meanly. She was all, "Are you dizzy? Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" Wm looked at her like she was insane and went, "No. It just hurt." When we left, he was like, "What was up with the nurse? Why would I be dizzy or throw up?" I told him some people REALLY hate needles and shots. He goes, "Well, I'm not looking forward to getting 2 next year...I can tell you that!"

Healthy dude