Thursday, March 31, 2016

Socially Awkward Weirdos

Steve and Wm are now arguing over who is the bigger socially awkward weirdo...

Me: Hey, can one of you tell the coach that Wm won't be at soccer next week because we'll be in Toronto?
Steve: Wm, you do it.
Wm: No! YOU!
Steve: He's your coach. You tell him.
Wm: I don't want to. You do it.
Me: Really?
Steve: I am more socially awkward that you, Wm! You talk to him!
Wm: NO WAY! I am more socially awkward! You do it!
Steve: Cory, who is more socially awkward? Me or Wm?
Cory: Definitely Wm.
Wm: HA! Told you. You have to tell him.
Steve: Noooooo!!!

This whole fight is over who had to walk up to Wm's soccer coach and just be like, "Hey, we won't be here next week because we'll be out of town." I can't even.

Wm and I are home tomorrow for his last day of spring break. Our "window" for carpet installation is 8am-5pm. Soooo - we will be hanging around the house a lot! Then getting cancer from the new carpet off-gassing. Not looking forward to that. I am also not looking forward to dealing with worker guys. As awkward as Steve is, in general, is as awkward as I am with workers in my house. I am usually like, "So...should I just, like, go over here out of the way? Do you need anything? Can I get you something to drink? Or is that not a thing that happens...I don't know. Should I show you where the carpet is? Oh, it's right here. Here it is! Riiiight here. I'll just...go...over to where I said...there. Holler if you need me. Or...not. Whatever. I your thing. Errr. Bye." God help me if they have a question about something related to the house, such as where the water shut off is or where a pipe is located. Steve, strangely, is super competent at that and talks to them all manly-like and they seem to respect him and treat him like he knows what's happening (probably because he knows where all the pipes and stuff are). It's basically why I keep him around.

Wm came to work with me today and was a delight. I took him out to lunch at Whole Foods and got him a piece of pizza - and also filled a container with fruits and veggies from the salad bar. And Wm ate zucchini AND peas! WHAT. Glorious day! He was rewarded with a cookie. The entire day was spent, otherwise, in my waiting room playing on the computer. He had the time of his life.

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