Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I spent all day yesterday trying to untangle a mess at various banks. We got our tax refund and then I transferred it between checking and savings at our bank - then transferred a chunk of it to our money market account at a different bank. Once it showed up in the money market account, I thought $1,000 was missing. A lot of money! So I called both banks, talked with numerous people, and was blaming all the evil bankers of the world for stealing my money. Turns out, at 6:30pm yesterday, I got a very sweet man on the phone who explained more kindly than he had to that it was my own fault. I had lost track of all my transferring and the "missing" money was sitting safely in my savings account. So, basically, I am a moron. I'm like the old guy at the nursing home who is convinced that the nurses are stealing his valuables because he can't remember where he put them. So I hung up the phone and Steve (who I had riled all up with my own freaking out) was all, "what happened?!" I explained and he goes, "Oh, good." I said, "Yeahhhhh - so it was just my own fuck up." And Steve goes, "Well, I wasn't going to say it...but since you did..." Then I sighed and went, "I am the worst. Such an idiot." Wm yelled from his room, "You are not! You are AWESOME! Everyone makes mistakes!" Thus, Wm saved the day by making me laugh and feel 100% better about my own stupidity. Wm is the best kid.

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