Wednesday, January 27, 2016

String Explosion!

Wm has a big concert coming up! In fact, he is playing with almost 200 other kids ranging in age from 4th grade to high school. It's a whole production. We have to arrive at 5pm for a rehearsal, then there is a potluck dinner, followed by the concert at 7pm. Wm is giddy with excitement. Here is the song they will be performing (as performed by another school district in the area):

I saw the Columbus Symphony is doing a tribute to Journey, so we are thinking of taking Wm. He knows all the Journey songs from listening to his radio as he goes to sleep. We could get all dressed up and go out to a fancy dinner and the symphony! Wm is totally on board. He's not as excited that his school is taking a field trip to see the Jazz Symphony. But that's only because he was told that, at random times, audience members are pulled into the action. He is devising a plan to hide behind the person in front of him to avoid it. He's shy.

I got all the paperwork complete to get my passport. Steve went and got his pictures taken. He actually looks very nice!! I have to go tomorrow since I have a work presentation this evening. The goal is to have everything ready to go and actually get them ordered at the post office on Saturday. I saw that since we are crossing into Canada by land, and Wm is under 16, all he needs is his birth certificate. So that will save us some cash! Work is paying for my passport, but I don't want to drop $130 on a passport for Wm to use one time!! (They are only good for 5 years for kids.) Steve may be able to get more use out of his, at least! He and Wm are planning a father-son European tour when Wm is older. But, they should have a blast in Toronto!!

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