Sunday, January 31, 2016


We had to stand in line for 2 hours yesterday morning to get our passports. Going to the post office makes me sort of understand why people don't want the government in charge of our healthcare. It is a terrible, terrible place. I would rather go to the DMV any day. But, we got 'er done!! Here are Steve and I trying to maintain the "neutral" expression now required in passport photos:

Steve made us pancakes yesterday morning and they are Wm's favorite breakfast. He is a happy camper:
Clean plate! Except for the fruit....of course.

It's really nice and in the 50's this weekend. We took a family walk yesterday and soaked up the sun and warmth. And discovered that they are putting a Whit's Frozen Custard at the end of our street!! Wm cannot even contain himself. He is also hilarious...

Me: Would you rather be invisible or be able to read people's minds?
Wm: Invisibile. So I could go through walls and stuff.
Me: No. What? You'd just be invisible. You couldn't go through walls.
Wm: Well, if I was invisible, I wouldn't have any mass. So I could float and go through walls.
Me: No, no. You'd have mass! You'd still have your body. It would just invisible.
Wm: That makes no sense. 

Thanks, Bill Nye.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

String Explosion!

Wm has a big concert coming up! In fact, he is playing with almost 200 other kids ranging in age from 4th grade to high school. It's a whole production. We have to arrive at 5pm for a rehearsal, then there is a potluck dinner, followed by the concert at 7pm. Wm is giddy with excitement. Here is the song they will be performing (as performed by another school district in the area):

I saw the Columbus Symphony is doing a tribute to Journey, so we are thinking of taking Wm. He knows all the Journey songs from listening to his radio as he goes to sleep. We could get all dressed up and go out to a fancy dinner and the symphony! Wm is totally on board. He's not as excited that his school is taking a field trip to see the Jazz Symphony. But that's only because he was told that, at random times, audience members are pulled into the action. He is devising a plan to hide behind the person in front of him to avoid it. He's shy.

I got all the paperwork complete to get my passport. Steve went and got his pictures taken. He actually looks very nice!! I have to go tomorrow since I have a work presentation this evening. The goal is to have everything ready to go and actually get them ordered at the post office on Saturday. I saw that since we are crossing into Canada by land, and Wm is under 16, all he needs is his birth certificate. So that will save us some cash! Work is paying for my passport, but I don't want to drop $130 on a passport for Wm to use one time!! (They are only good for 5 years for kids.) Steve may be able to get more use out of his, at least! He and Wm are planning a father-son European tour when Wm is older. But, they should have a blast in Toronto!!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Deep Thoughts, by Wm

"I hope that when I have a wife, I don't have to rub her feet."

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Me: Guess what!
Wm: What?
Me: You get to go to Toronto! And to see Niagara Falls!
Wm: Cool. When?
Me: April. So you'll miss almost a week of school.
Wm: WHAAAAAT? Awesome! Why April? Why not go on spring break?
Me: I am going to a conference in Toronto, so work is paying for the trip! The only thing we'll have to cover is you and Pop's food. And it's in April.
Wm: I don't want to go!
Me: Dude - we are going.  It's FREE. And you will be an international traveler and get a passport!
Wm: But I don't want to go to a conference!!
Me: Ohhhhh. Haha! You don't have to go to the conference! Only me. You and Pop get to party while I'm there during the day.
Wm: OK - I'll go.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kettle & Pot

Sorry the blog has been out of commission for a bit. I have been having all sorts of weird health issues and haven't felt like myself. First, I surmised that my veganism was taking a toll on my health (much to Steve's delight!) So I worked back in dairy and eggs - and a bit of seafood. I have a hard time getting myself to care about clam torture. I go see my doctor tomorrow, but based on how I'm feeling, I think my iron dipped dangerously low (where it hovers during the best of times). I have the utmost respect for anyone who can eat that way and maintain their health!! I'm sorry I wasn't able to do it.

In Steve-related food news, he ate goat. Like a real goat. He thought it was lamb, based on a miscommunication/language issue with a guy at work - and realized it was goat halfway through (thanks to google translator). He moped all around last night saying he didn't feel good. Steve's take on what it was like: "it tasted like what I imagine cat would taste like." Watch out, Schroeder! Steve has a taste for cat!

But, more than just my diet, all kinds of crazy things were happening in Corytown. After some blood work, I found out I am in the beginning stages of menopause! Being down one ovary caused the other one to overwork itself and then to sort of just give up. I picked up some prescription hormones after work today and will start them soon. I should be feeling like my old self in no time! I asked Steve if it made him feel old to have a menopausal wife and he said, "Nope - YOU are the one in menopause!" Burn.

Wm continues to be both evil and awesome - as usual. Here he is being pasta Cthulhu:

Wm: Pop is always on his phone.
Me: That's the pot calling the kettle black.
Wm: That's racist.
Me: No - dude, the pot is black because it's cast iron. Like a cauldron. 
Wm: Well, then it's racist against the kettle.
Me: The kettle is black too! Everything is black because it's old times and everything was cast iron! It's a saying!!
Wm: It still sounds racist to me.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Wm is really improving on the old fiddle! He hardly ever squeaks anymore and he's able to get a deep, resonate sound with the bow. Even better, he has stopped freaking out when he makes the smallest mistake. I think he sensing his improvement and is being more patient with himself. Which is good! Listen to him go:

In other news, we have done nothing this weekend. It's 1pm on Sunday and this is the first time any of us have been dressed. I have been feeling yucky lately and called off work on Friday. I am just now feeling like I may be on the mend! Wm loves nothing more than when someone is sick so he gets to stay home and get extra screen time in his jammies. He left his book at school, so he is pretty sad that he can't also lounge and read. He tore the whole house apart, so we know it's not here!

Meanwhile, I have been snuggling with the fur ball, who is my napping partner:

Which is not surprising since all he does is nap. 

When not napping, he enjoys tripping us with his body, licking his butt, eating food until he barfs, biting Wm, yowling at his toy mice continuously at 2am, and walking across the keyboard while I'm typing. 

I am trying something new with Captain Evil's eating (since he never eats food if it's not grilled cheese). We'll see how it goes! So far, it's been successful. But I want to make sure he's not just playing me...he has been known.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Wm: [constant stream of loud chatter about game he plays incessently]
Me: [gently interrupting] Hey, buddy...
Wm: What? Oh. Am I talking too much?
Me: No, no....well...maybe a little bit. I was just going to ask you to lower the volume a touch.
Wm: I know I talk too much sometimes. I do it all the time. And I see people's faces and can tell I'm boring them. So then I try and either stop talking or ask them a question about themselves.
Me: That is a PERFECT thing to do. I am really impressed that you are empathetic enough to tell when you've been monopolizing the conversation and then make an effort to include the other person.
Wm: Well....I get excited. But it's really obvious on their face when I am talking to much.
Me: Can I tell you something?
Wm: What?
Me: That same thing happens to me ALL THE TIME. ALL. THE. TIME.
Wm: [laughs] I know!!!