Monday, November 9, 2015


First, Wm and I played tennis on Saturday and he had a GREAT time!! He says he wants to go every day. Based on the "fall" we've been having, he may be able to!

BUT - the biggest news: WILLIAM HAS LEARNED HOW TO SWIM!!!!! Steve and I are SO SO SO proud of him! Just a few months ago, he was sobbing because he didn't want to go to swimming and was too scared to even go in the water up to his chest. And, in just 10 weeks, here he is now:

Not only are we super proud of him, but he is super proud of himself. I told him that swimming is great and we are really happy he can be safe in and around water - but I am proudest that he was terrified to do something, was brave enough to do it anyway, and overcame his fear!

While I was trying to tell him how he shouldn't care what other people think and the only thing that matters is what HE thinks of HIMSELF, he goes, "OK, OK. Can you stop talking now? You're giving me a headache." Just like his father...chip off the 'ole block!

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