Friday, November 27, 2015


We had a great Thanksgiving in NE Ohio yesterday. Steve somehow managed to get us home in less than 2.5 hours! We put Wm into his jammies before we left and he fell asleep not too long into the car trip home. So I just carried him up to bed (beast mode - that kid is getting big!!) and he crashed. We got home before 10pm, so it was perfect! Steve overate, as would be expected, and was still feeling sick this morning. After a green smoothie for breakfast (along with some homemade bread and apple butter from his mom) he was fit as a fiddle! Which is good, because we've had a busy day!

Schroeder was very lonely while we were gone and actually decided to allow Wm to pet him:

Schroeder mostly enjoys biting the crap out of Wm (which is toooootally Wm's fault because he mostly enjoys torturing the crap out of the cat), so whenever Wm gets some good snuggles, he is majorly pumped. I even took a little video - if you turn it up, you can hear Schroeder purring. But check out Wm's face. He cannot believe he good fortune! It lasted for about 5 minutes and then Schroeder decided that was enough and promptly got all bitey and sauntered away. 

I have been at the store gathering supplies for our dinner tomorrow. It should be good!! I have a turkey made out of wheat (stuffed with apples and cranberries and snuggled in a puff pastry!). I am pretty excited to see how that will turn out! On tonight's menu is Indian dal. I've never made it before (or ingested a lentil, as far as I know), so it will be a new experience. I had to buy a bunch of Indian spices. Fingers crossed! I am about 95% sure Wm won't eat it. I am prepared and purchased plain black beans for him!

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