Saturday, March 21, 2015

Kitchen Complete!

I finished painting the kitchen cabinets on Thursday and Steve hung the last doors today. So we are DONE! And now, the kitchen finally feels COMPLETE! Steve and I are both really happy with the way it turned out!! It is especially awesome because I took a walk this morning and the guy that bought me and Steve's first house was outside working on it. I stopped and said hello and introduced myself. He took me on a tour so I could see what he has done - and what he plans to do. And, MAN, I had forgotten how tiny that house is and how much work it needed!!! He has redone the bathroom and it looks amazing, but the kitchen looks exactly like it did (only much grimier thanks to the buttface who bought it from us!) when we lived there. Coming home, our kitchen felt so spacious and gorgeous!! YAY complete kitchen!!!!

Now, a tour of the progress of The Kitchen:
What it looked like when we moved in.
New floor and paint!
Jazzy cabinets and tiled backsplash
And now, drum roll, please - the final final. I am SO DONE messing around in the kitchen!

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