Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Gifted Good News!

A letter came home from school with Wm yesterday (we had gotten an email, so we knew it was coming) about the Gifted & Talented services available for Wm next year. At first, Wm was bummed because they have spent the last year (after the hot mess they made of things last year at this time!) reconfiguring the entire program - and one of the things they did was to get rid of the ECLIPSE classes. However, I think what they've done is even better! There is now a one-site G&T school where the entire school is for gifted kids. They haven't announced the location yet, which is not cool. But, a bonus is that school is grades 3-8, so it would continue all the way until high school! However, the even better news is that Wm can stay at his home school and now receive pull-out G&T services!!!!! So if they announce the location and it sucks - or just if Wm doesn't want to leave all his friends and wants to stay at his familiar school he can walk to - he can stay where he is and get great services! Every day, they would pull him out of class for 90 minutes of gifted reading instruction and 60 minutes of gifted math instruction. So he would be in a special pull-out gifted class for two and a half hours every single day AT HIS HOME SCHOOL!!!! We are thrilled! Wm is very happy and is saying he doesn't even want to look at the G&T school, but I figure we'll give it a peek when they tell us where it is. Maybe it's close and amazing. But, no matter what, we are hoping Wm is going to have a great year next year!

Steve and I were regaling Wm with tales of the horrors of sleep away camp. Wm said, "I am never doing that." I said, "Oh yes, you are. All kids have to suffer through sleep away camp and be completely miserable - it's a right of passage."  He started asking questions about the accommodations (he was concerned about flushing toilets, actual beds, and sleeping alone). When I explained he would be in a cabin, with a toilet, and likely at least 3 other boys, he sighed and said, "I still prefer more sophisticated housing." HA! Don't we all, Wm…don't we all.

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