Sunday, November 9, 2014

Good times

Wm and I were taking a walk yesterday and I was talking about how one of my biggest regrets is that I am not fluent in another language and how it opens up whole new worlds to you if you can speak more than one language. So then I asked Wm what other language he would like to learn. He replied: "British." When I told him that they speak English in Great Britain and it's not another language, he goes, "Yeah, but some words are different - like they call an elevator a 'lift' and they pronounce aluminum 'al-loo-min-ee-um.' Crazy!" 

When Wm ignores me to play on the computer FOREVER, I often stalk him while humming the theme to Jaws and then tickle attack him....
Wm: [quietly playing on the computer]
Me: Dummm dummm
Me: dooo doo doooooooo
Wm: [sigh] You're killing me.

Steve's hobby is also ignoring me. I was trying tell him that Wm wants to speak "British" and he wasn't replying. So I began my Campaign of Annoyance. 


Steve likes to ignore me while pretending to "work." Pffft. I'm on to him. Actually, though, I like to text the poor guy funny goings on and pictures because he is having a rough weekend. I guess a bunch of the people at the tournament this weekend are SUPER rude.  I told him he should just be super rude right back and then be like, "go ahead and call the manager on Monday!" Then, on Monday, when they call "the manager" (aka HIM), he can be like, "Oh, yeah, I totally fired that guy. He was horrible."

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