Sunday, November 16, 2014


We're supposed to get the first snow of the season tonight - and wake up to 3-5 inches. So I shared at lunch...

Me: We're supposed to get 3-5 inches tonight! Time to break out the boots!!
Steve: I saw 1-3.
Me: said 3-5!
Wm: You have to go to weather.GOV, Mommy. is crap.


Looking cute during snack time
Found his favorite mouse under the end table. Life is good.
Wm had a Minecraft birthday party yesterday he was SO excited about. But he came home nearly in tears because a couple of the boys had "destroyed the world he built" and he grumped around all afternoon. Then, this morning, after he asked me to play with him, he started messing around on the iPad while we were playing the actual real life, physical game he wanted to play! So when I pointed out that wasn't very nice, he was all grumpy. We had to leave for church, but I told him when we got home, the only way he was getting screens back was to write an essay about how games are less important than real people - and why real people with real feelings should always be prioritized over a "silly game."  He goes, "An essay?!!??! THAT'S INSANE!!!!!" But, you bet your butt he had that thing written 15 minutes after walking in the door, without complaint, so he could play iPad after lunch!

Wm's Essay:
I am very sorry for how I treated you this morning. I definitely understand how it is more important to be nice than to cry about games. I know that real people's feelings are more important than games, and it hurts their feelings to be mean about games. I won't be mean to you because I am playing a game currently. I will do what you tell me to do if I'm playing a game. I hope you suggest giving me screens back.
Sincerely, William
P.S. I care about people's feelings because I feel like I feel what they feel, and it makes me sad to make them sad. I don't like to hurt someone in any way.

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