Friday, August 8, 2014


Wm loves loves loves milk. And one of his major disappointments when he was off the dairy was that he couldn't have a cold glass of milk with dinner. I didn't want to overrun his little system all at once so we've been working things back in slowly to make sure he can digest them. Well, yesterday was the Final Frontier: Milk Day. Wm had a tall glass of milk and was SOOOOO happy. And his tummy didn't hurt! AND, it didn't give him The Toots. (Which is what dairy used to do!) This is a happy/sad thing. Since we only buy milk from a really awesome local place with happy, grass-fed cows it's pricey. I have been enjoying the savings of being off the milk! But, the milk is amazing. It's not homogenized and is as minimally pasteurized as milk can legally (and safely) be. It tastes so much better than any other milk I've ever had! But, I hate the crap out of all milk, so I'm not drinking it no matter what.

Speaking of happy cows, after watching the show about Alaskan homesteaders, Wm has been more concerned about where his meat comes from (they show the humane raising/slaughtering of livestock and talk about how it's done in factory farms). So we watched Food, Inc. and Wm now wants to know about all his meat. I told him we only buy meat from happy animals - EXCEPT for the one brand of hotdog he will eat. He was all distressed to learn his beloved hotdogs were from sad cows. So he agreed to try happy cow hotdogs. I asked him after he ate one if it was as good and he goes, "It's not as good as the other ones…but I'll eat them. They are OK." I tried one and I told I thought it was just as good as the torture cow dogs. He insisted that the other ones tasted better, but he didn't want to eat them. I go, "Jeez man, they taste the same to me. The only thing missing is the salt of cow tears."  But even without the taste explosion of cow tears, Wm insists on eating his happy cow dogs!!

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