Thursday, August 7, 2014


Wm spent his day making a gun out of paper and duct tape that shoots these small, white puff balls. He is VERY proud of his gun. It has 2 barrels, sites, a handle, and "trigger." We had this conversation walking home from summer clubhouse…
Wm: "Fred" didn't even make his gun properly. All his puffballs just fell out the back. But he tried to say that that's how he wanted it. He totally didn't.
Me: Well, your gun is definitely very awesome. I'm sure Fred tried his best and is also proud of his gun.
[a puff ball fell from the gun]
Wm: I don't know which barrel this puff ball came out of!
Me: Does it matter?
Wm: Uhhhh, YES. I like to have an even number of puff balls in each barrel. I have a total of 10 puff balls, so each barrel has to have 5. I count them out each time I reload.
Me: Riiiiight. Because that's not weird at all.
Wm: [disdainfully] MOMMY. I can't go into battle with unevenly loaded barrels. I would be at a disadvantage. Obviously.
Me: Obviously.
Wm: I will just have to wait until we get home so that I can count the puff balls and figure out which barrel this one goes into.

Also, while at the playground, a girl ripped a piece off of Wm's gun and he was most upset. He told me a very long and involved story about the incident and how he had to spend his afternoon repairing the damage. When I asked which girl had ripped it, he goes, "just some random girl at the playground." Ha!

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