Friday, July 5, 2013


We went to see fireworks in the rain last night with Mimi!  Wm was a great walker (we had to park pretty far away and trek in) and he really liked the fireworks - he said they were "even" with Tecumseh.  Another late night for Willie!  I took today off, so he got to sleep in. I tired to take some pictures of Wm enjoying fireworks, but they didn't come out well.
Not a great pic...
This just cracked me up: We always get wheat bread.  And the same brand of wheat bread.  I am weird about my bread and once I find a kind I like, that's all I'll eat.  So, Steve ran to the store and discovered that my brand was out of wheat bread, but had a white bread.  Steve, knowing my bread weirdness, decided not to go off the rails and get a different brand, so he just bought white bread.  I made a sandwich for Wm with it the next day, and this may be the first time he had white sandwich bread.  His reaction was hilarious.  He took a bite and his eyes got huge.  He goes, "WHAT IS THIS BREAD?"  I go, "it's just white bread."  Wm says, "I WANT TO EAT THIS EVERY DAY. FOR EVERY MEAL.  WHY HAVE WE NEVER GOTTEN THIS BEFORE?" I said, "Well, wheat bread is better for you."  Wm goes, "I DO NOT CARE." I think he will be very disappointed when he discovered the wheat bread has returned next week! He asks for bread constantly now.  Wm loves him some bread!!

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