Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekend Fun

Wm did a great job at his basketball game!  Sadly, they were annihilated by the far superior other team. But annoyingly, they don't keep official score.  (This bugs me greatly since I think kids need to learn how to lose.  Life isn't a tie.  Now Wm won't have the skills he needs to cope with loss.)  They sure were cute, though.  Here is Wm and Bestie:

Then, while Mimi and I went shopping for birthday goodies (thank you, Mimi!), Wm and Steve went to the Lego exhibit at the Art Museum.  Wm proclaimed it FAR superior to the COSI Lego exhibit.
Wm loved the thing in the background.
The Lego Shoe! O-H!

We got Wm his first tie shoes today.  He is baffled by the whole affair.  And grumpy.  So....hopefully he figures that out soon.  

The Tooth is hanging on for dear life.  And since Wm does not like to touch it, he may be in high school before that thing falls out.  I am permitted to check its wiggliness once per day if I am "very gentle."

Steve has to go to work tomorrow, but Wm and I are off for a day of fun together!  And in other work-related news, I have hired a new advisor!  I am very excited to be working with her - and she starts Feb 4!!  Wheeeee!!!!!

Lastly, I am writing this on our new laptop!  We got our insurance check and all is well.  Nothing left to do now!  Except have the whole house painted this summer...

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