Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Wm's summer camp is participating in some summer reading thing through the Columbus library and they take a field trip there every week.  Wm was all sad because he couldn't check out any books.  So we took him that night and got him his first library card!!  Here he is reading the first book he checked out all by himself (with the library card sitting at the top corner of the book).

Today is GORGEOUS - nothing but sun and mid-70's.  And Wm' summer camp is going to the zoo!  He is all excited about the field trip. He got to take a packed lunch from home since they'll be there throughout lunch and he was so happy.  Wm is not a fan of the camp lunches.  Wm doesn't eat like a typical kid, so most of the stuff they serve, he doesn't like.  He begged for sardines in his lunch, but we convinced him his friends may not enjoy the smell of Wm eating sardines.  So we talked him into black beans. He's a weirdo.

In other news, Steve had his followup at the hernia surgeon and everything looks good.  There is still some fluid around it, I guess, that needs to go away - then he should be good as new!  And, no more weird steristrip rash.  Steve is now mostly just sad he can't play soccer yet.  He was pouting because yesterday was pickup day and all his cronies were nagging him to play, but he couldn't.  But soon...he will be a new man.  

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