Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Hangover

We went to a party Friday night where all the kids ate s'mores and all the adults drank a bunch of beer around a fire.  When we could delay Wm's bedtime no longer, I brought him home and put him to bed.  And Steve went out with a bunch of guys to see a theater that serves more beer.  He didn't get home until after 1AM.  That is a late night for us oldies.  I was out like a light when he came in, so I got my first glimpse the next morning.  And it wasn't pretty.  Steve was all hung over - headache, upset stomach, grumps - the whole nine.  The fun part is that Wm had a swim party Saturday afternoon.  Let me tell you, Steve was DRAGGING.  I found it all quite amusing.

This is what happened when I tried to take the sheets
off the bed to wash them.  Steve was reluctant to get up.
But Wm LOVED the swim party!  It was at the Worthington pool on 161 and they have a kid's "lagoon" with all sorts of water activities, a little kids pool, a big kids pool, and then a couple adult pools.  I had to take advantage of the lap pool and managed to sneak away from the forced socializing to get in a few laps.  The big win of the day is that we were there for hours and both us blindingly white Matyai managed to keep from burning!  Thank you, SPF 70!

Lastly, a fun Willie convo...

Steve: should I get the orange shorts or the green shorts?
Wm: the green.
Steve: hmmm...I like the orange.  I think I'm going to have to overrule you on this one, Wm.
Wm: touche, Daddy...touche.

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