Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wm Fights The Man

Wm is going to commit his first act of civil disobedience this weekend!  Steve got free tickets to the circus at work - but I refuse to go to the circus because of how they treat their animals.  So I told Wm, "we have tickets to go to the circus, but I won't go because they hurt the animals and do not treat them well - do you want Daddy to take you or would you rather boycott it with me?"  Wm said he wouldn't go if they hurt animals.  So then some friends decided to go protest the circus with PETA (I know...don't get me started on PETA - but those people know how to put on a good protest, you have to give them that!)  So I asked Wm if he wanted to go protest the animal torture.  He wasn't sure at first, so I explained what it means to go to a protest and showed him some pictures of what they do the elephants (nothing that would scar him for life). And then he was IN.  So, the whole fam is going down to give the Ringling Bros a piece of our mind!  Although, when I told Wm he should write a big sign to ask them to stop hurting the elephants to hold up, he goes, "that sounds like a lot of work."  So...I'm not sure how committed he is.

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