Saturday, May 12, 2012

Little Fish

Wm had his first swim lesson today!!  I didn't take the camera to the pool, so I have no pictures.  Wm's Mimi was a certified Red Cross swim instructor/lifeguard in her heyday.  So she offered to be Coach Mimi.  Steve and I went along and swam laps while Mimi took Wm to the kid's pool for swim instruction.  He started off pretty shaky - refusing to get in the water.  But, by the end of the hour, he was having a GREAT time, was blowing bubbles, and nearly floating (assisted by a noodle) on his back!  Mimi even got him almost into the adult more step to go!  We plan to take him every Saturday - he says he wants to go every day.  Steve and I plan to join an outdoor swimming pool (we haven't decided which one yet), so Wm can get even more practice in the water.  Wm goes, "I am just like a fish!!" And Steve goes, "Yeah, you did great today!  But, ya know - fish can swim." And Wm goes, "But that's the only difference."  Way to keep it positive, Wm!

We also signed Wm up for Whetstone Rec soccer today.  They have little uniforms that are super cute.  Wm is an XS.  He is not as excited (yet!) about the soccer as he is about the swimming.  But I have discovered that Wm isn't excited about much until he's given a gentle push to get himself started.  Then, he usually loves it!  Without that little push, I think Wm would be playing Xbox and Legos by himself for the rest of his life.

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