Wm is a mystery to me. I can never tell what will resonate with him. I told him about the birds and bees and he was all, "meh." But, today, he and I took a walk around the neighborhood and he asked about the "Vote No on Issue 2" signs all around. So I explained the best I could - and told him that we would be affected by Issue 2 since I am a state employee. I gave him this big speech on the importance of voting and educating yourself about the issues before you go. I asked him he if wanted to come in and watch me vote. And that was it. Or so I thought. About every 10-15 minutes for the last 8 hours, Wm has brought up Issue 2 and asked what happens if "all the bad people vote 'yes' and win." I keep telling him we will be FINE no matter what, but he's obsessed. When we video chatted with Drew and Jess, Wm immediately ran over and whispered in my ear, "ask them if they are voting NO on Issue 2!" He doesn't completely get that they can't vote on Issue 2 in Colorado. I've created a monster.
In other news, Wm helped me cook vegetable soup for dinner! He helped with every single step - and I even let him wield his first "grown up knife" with careful observation. I gave him a big talk on knife safety and them turned him loose. He did GREAT! Totally respected the knife and cut up a whole potato! Ironically, when I put the soup in front of him, he took one bite, spit it back into the bowl and went, "ew...I am not eating that."
Beware of Wm...he has a knife and knows how to use it.
Steve just went to turn on the TV and I said, "do you really need to do that - it's so nice and quiet." Steve made a face at me, but left the TV off. Then Wm says, "you are making good choices tonight Daddy: sitting nicely, eating a good dinner, not turning on the TV. I am putting you on a blue card."
I just noticed he is using the little red knife we got you!! :)