Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Talk

Wm has shown an increasing interest in where babies come from and how they get into the Mommy's belly.  After a failed attempt to try and explain it myself, I tracked down a book.  I did lots of internet searching to find an age appropriate book that wasn't preachy and just got down to the point.  It came in at the library yesterday - and Wm LOVES to come home to find new books waiting for him, so he wanted to read it right away.  I have a crystal clear memory of being told where babies come from...and the horror and disgust that quickly followed.  So I was prepared for lots of questions, shock, and the same horror/disgust.  I started reading the book (which starts with explanation of parts, then gets down to the nitty gritty, and ends with a bit on "OK touches and not OK touches").  When I got to The Part (complete with hilarious cartoon illustration), I read it slowly, watching Wm's face.  Nothing.  So I keep going...and nothing.  NOTHING.  When I finish, I go, "What do you think, bud?  Do you have questions?" He says, "It was a good book."  I tell him, "Yep, and that is REALLY how babies get into bellies - not just a story.  What do you think?  QUESTIONS? REACTION?" He goes, "I do have one question....can I have a snack?" was all very anti-climactic.  Wm, basically, didn't care at all.  He said it doesn't even matter because he's never having babies and is going to live with us in the pink house forever.  He did want to make sure that Daddy and I would not be making any more babies - he does NOT want a sibling.  And that was that.  Ho hum.

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