Well, this may have been the worst Thanksgiving of my adult life. Steve infected me with his whooping cough-like illness and I felt awful on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then, woke up Thursday feeling like hell. Steve thought we should just stay home, but I didn't want to be the Angel of Death for Thanksgiving. So we packed up a pharmacy of drugs for me and hit the road north. I was running on 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hour period. It was not good. Steve and Wm had a blast up in Warren though!! But, I hadn't even slept in my own bed in 3 nights (it was the couch for me) and I spent most of the nights hacking and/or pacing around. So we came home so I could hack and pace in my own living room - and be near my supply of teas, medications, and DVRed shows. I woke up on Friday and Steve goes, "Good god - you need to go the doctor...you like like a zombie. You look practically dead." And that's about how I felt. I sent Steve to the pharmacy to get me a neti pot and lots of new and stronger meds. Finally, last night, I managed (still not in bed, mind you) to get about 6 hours of sleep. And I woke up today feeling like I'm on the mend!! I still haven't showered or changed out of the same jammies I put on as soon as we got home Thursday. I'm smelling a bit ripe. I tried to give Steve a kiss under the mistletoe and he ran for the hills.
I had set up shop on the couch and the coffee table with blankets, pillows, tissues, glasses of various fluids, books, the iPad, and all the necessities. Steve goes, "Where is the remote control, Wm? Oh...it's over here in Mommy's Fortress of Solitude." Ahhh, Steve...gets me every time.
But - we did put up the Christmas decorations and trees today! It's feeling festive!!
Wm has begun the count to Christmas. He keeps saying, "I am SO EXCITED for Christmas!!!!!" He is plotting to stay awake to try and see Santa. We'll see how long that lasts...
Wm gets a special little tree just for him in his room. He looooves putting it up!