Friday, October 28, 2011


This is the most exciting day of Wm's life. He had his Halloween party and parade at school, I drove him home instead of the bus, Mimi and Guy are taking him to Graffiti Burger for dinner, and Grandma and Papa are coming to visit tonight!  The party and parade were actually pretty fun.  I got there and helped Wm and about 3 other kiddos into their costumes - which was fairly painless.  Then we walked all around the block, came back, and had a party in Wm's classroom.  One of the moms came over and asked if I was Wm's mom.  Thinking Wm had somehow tortured or wronged her child, I thought about lying, but Wm staring at me and going, "MOM!" didn't help.  Turns out that her daughter has been BEGGING to have Wm over for a play date!  Score!  So she made a point to find me and introduce herself so we can work something out.  Wm is quite the ladies man.

Mimi came to the parade and got this great shot of zombie Wm!
Wm says he wants to be vegetarian zombie and carry about broccoli. 
Wm did not want to be green at school, so we're saving the green face paint for trick or treat!

All the little dears waiting to get started with the parade.
Spiderman is popular this year, apparently.

Parade complete.  Now waiting to go inside and party down!

Wm's class!

You'd think he wasn't excited about that cookie by the look on his face.  That would be incorrect.  He meant business.  He wanted me to capture his cookie art like I was Ansel Adams.  It's just intensity.

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