Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dread Plague

I avoided the Steve and Wm Dread Plague only to fall victim to some other germ.  And, this time, I was the only one.  I have felt awful for the last week (thus ruining a gorgeous weekend!)  But I am finally feeling better today - and returned to work.  Hence the silence on Willie the Wonderkid.

Meanwhile, I volunteered to help chaperone Wm's classroom Halloween Party and Parade.  I am half dreading it and half looking forward to it.  25 kindergarteners will be intense.  But Wm is thrilled that I will be there, and that's all that matters.  Wm is doing better in school.  Well, I should say, I think Wm is doing better in school.  I'm not sure if his teacher agrees.  He does have "green days" about half the time - but even when he comes home with some report of some kind, it is my opinion that it is - frankly - stupid.  For instance, Wm came home with a red card today.  The harshest punishment kindergarten can dole out.  He earned said red card for mooning a classmate to make them laugh.  Red card?  I say this: kindergarten is humorless.  And completely intolerant of wiggles.  I'm not sure what they did to Wm, but he came home crying, not because of the mooning, but because of their reaction to it.  He wouldn't say what they did...but it wasn't pleasant, that is for sure.  He is now traumatized.  And, I'm pretty sure, will think twice before trying to make someone laugh.  Which is a shame.  Because Wm is hilarious.  And so are butts.  Get over it, kindergarten.  (Note: I am not condoning mooning, but I am a bit horrified that they made Wm feel so awful about the whole business when he was just clowning around and didn't do anything mean or malicious.)

Steve has to work this weekend, so Wm and I will be on our own.  But Steve was off today, which was sweeeeeet.  We got to out to breakfast before I went to work and then had time to watch most of movie when I got home (Tuesday is my short day - woot!)

Wm was playing with a shoelace when Steve decide to hogtie him up.  Wm, strangely, loved every minute of it:

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