Friday, November 19, 2010


This morning Wm's preschool classroom had a pancake breakfast for families.  So we get all ready to go, I notify everyone that I will be late to work today to go to the Big Pancake Breakfast, Wm is all excited...and away we go.  We get there and Wm immediately runs off with his crony, Tye.  I track him down and ask him if he wants me to make him a plate.  He says no and runs off again.  Meanwhile, a friend of mine who has a daughter in Wm's class arrives.  So I chitchat with her for 10 minutes.  Then I hunt up Wm again and ask if he's ready to come and sit down with me to eat.  He says, "No, I'm not eating until you leave.  You've been here way too long.  Go to work!"  Torn between relief that I can leave The Horror that is any large scale activity in the preschool room and heartbreak that I am so obviously cramping Wm's style, I scuttled out the door and off to work. Without even eating a pancake no less.  It is a slight balm to know that Wm abhors any changes to his routine, was mightily put out about the crowds in "his" classroom, and really wanted every single parent (and probably most kids, other than Tye, Alex, and Preston) to take off as well.

The most wonderful thing has happened.  Jeni's Ice Cream opened a shop in The Ville!  (I suppose this could be bad, as I will likely gain 10 lbs of Jeni's weight now.)  OF COURSE, we had to take Wm there to partake. They did a really cool thing where one whole wall is a giant chalk board.  I snapped a couple shots of Wm drawing away.

Little Picasso 

The weird creature is Two-Face from Batman

He looks extra happy because he just inhaled Jeni's ice cream

Steve has managed to remain relatively healthy all week.  It's a new record.  No trips to the ER, so that's an improvement.  He's been going to PT and whining around that his hip hurts.  I've been whining around that his appointments are at 6AM so he wakes up at the ungodly hour of 5:30AM.  Thus waking me up at 5:30AM (though he does try to be as quiet as possible, it's no use).  

I am DONE, DONE, DONE teaching my class!!!  It ended on a weird note.  My minion was grading their final paper and the last line of a student's essay was "f**k you, I'm drunk."  So that's lovely.  The little darling is 18 so guess who is bringing him up on violating the Code of Student Conduct for underage drinking!  You're probably thinking me...but that's the awesome part of having The Minion.  I'm making her do it.  Moooohahaha!  She can deal with all the horrible paperwork.  

Tonight at dinner Steve and I were jokingly bickering about something or other and Wm (always on my side!) pipes up and says, "Daddy, you better check yourself!"  He's awesome.

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