Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beastie Boy

Wm and I are off today for Veteran's Day.  Then Steve and I are off tomorrow for Childfree Fun Day.  Poor Steve needs it.  He had his annual stomach flu a couple nights ago, keeping me up half the night with the sounds of his pathetic moaning.  Then yesterday he had his fatty tumor removed and now he has a bunch of stitches in his side that apparently pull.  So he is just a bundle of fun.  He could use a day to chillax.  It's supposed to be super sunny and 70, so we are puuuuuumped!

Whilst playing Lego Batman, Wm was given his 5 minute warning and his response was: "I did like this, I did it like that, I did it with a whiffle ball bat!"  So, apparently, Wm is a Beastie Boys fan!!

I have finally discovered the perfect deodorant recipe.  And the main ingredient is vodka (kills the odor causing bacteria).  It is awesome!!!!  Works SO MUCH better than any store bought kind!  Bubble and Bee has a spray deodorant that uses, basically, the same recipe, but they charge $10 for 2.5 oz.  I bought 32 oz of vodka for $9.  Suck on that Bubble and Bee!!  But, in any case, I sent Steve to the liquor store with the instructions to get me the highest proof, cheapest vodka he could find.  Apparently he had to ask where that would be located.  I can only imagine what the guy at the liquor store thought.  Steve now has a rep as The Frugal Drunk.

Because I have no Wm pics to share, I am posting a hilarious cartoon below for your enjoyment.  Love it.

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