Friday, May 11, 2018

New Friends

Everyone is getting settled in. The cats already love the new place - especially the screened in porch! Flip is getting used to new routines, but still a bit weirded out. Wm is already 100% adjusted and loving it. He has even made his first friend! Right on The Sac! Just a couple doors down on our cul-de-suc is an 11 year old boy. He and Wm have been trampolining, video gaming, and yesterday, playing at the park. Here they are hanging out:
Fast friends!
Flip has really been enjoying our awesome backyard!! We really need to work on setting up the screened in porch and back patio so we can eat out there and enjoy it, too! Here is the doggo spotting a woodland creature to attack:
He actually got a hold of a squirrel right before we moved. He shook the shit out of it, but dropped it when I screamed. It sort of limped away, all jangled. I think he gave it Shaken Squirrel Syndrome. I doubt the poor dude made it. Flip is a murderer.

Wm had an end of the year class party. He had a blast! Here he is hanging with his friends (notice the segregation of boys and girls!):

Work has continued to be pretty awesome. My graduating class came in to my office yesterday and brought a really nice card, gift, and this:

So I've been feeling very appreciated!

Work on the house has been productive!! We're feeling fairly settled in. But, Steve's toolbox is in our dining room, my list of to-do's is a mile long, and we have a giant hole in our bathroom wall that needs name a few! We'll get there...
The things we are enjoying the most include: the neighbors and neighborhood, backyard, extra bathrooms, and king sized bed. I have no idea how I slept before The Bed. It is amazing!!

Wm has recently gotten super into, of all things, communism. He's a weirdo. I walked by the den the other day and he's in there playing while listening to the National Anthem for the USSR. He also used birthday money to purchase a hammer and sickle pin and a shirt that says, "Ain't No Party Like the Communist Party."  Evidence of weirdness:

Turn it up and you can hear the disgusted tween breathe at the end. This is what we're dealing with.

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