Friday, February 9, 2018


Poor Wm is sick. He started feeling yucky on Wednesday, but had a virtual day (due to snow), so he was still able to "go to school" from home. But he was home yesterday and he's home again today. He had a very sore throat, headache, and fever. I took this cute picture of him lounging with his BFF and all his electronics:

He's not THAT sick, but it's been a tough one because he's been weird. A fun, new thing Wm does when he gets a fever is to wake up from a deep fever sleep with red cheeks, bleary eyes, and delusions. He has vivid dreams and then doesn't seem to realize he's awake for a while after he IS awake. So, I got to spend about a half hour in the middle of the night trying to convince him that he was not, in fact, a wizard. With "energy shooting from his fingers." Things you never thought you'd say in all seriousness, "Look, I PROMISE you are NOT A WIZARD." He only has vague, hazy memories of these interactions later. But, I'm really tired. And Steve was putting down payments on padded rooms.

The fever was gone yesterday afternoon and Wm started acting pretty normal. He's clearly not 100% yet, but he slept great last night and had no fever dreams! I had him stay home from school again, just to be sure. Another day of rest won't kill him - and it's Friday!! By Monday, he'll be good as new. Whenever Wm is home alone, he texts me ALL DAY with pictures of Flip. He actually gets some really good shots, so it's pretty fun to see them. It's also adorable how much Wm loves the doggo. Those two are best friends. I was sitting on the floor petting Flip the other day and his tail had slipped under the coffee table. As soon as Wm walked into the room, I heard a mad thump, thump, thump  and realized that as soon as Flip had seen Wm, his tail had gone crazy and was hitting the table. He likes to stand guard over Wm when he's sick. As you can see from this selection of Wm's Greatest Pics, Flip is always nearby! But...sometimes not as as vigilant. So, here is Wm's sick day, via texted pics he took:
Mailman Watch
Less vigilant sun bathing
Keeping a sleepy eye on Wm
Curled up and out like a light with Wm!
I'm hoping Wm is hitting on all cylinders tomorrow because we are supposed to have our training to be volunteers at the shelter AND go through a house that we have super, duper high hopes for! Steven is usually the hard sell (I think our realtor hates Steve) because he believes no one keeps a house to his standards. Even the ones we've made an offer on, Steve wasn't thrilled about. But, I found one in an area that is not a cut throat as The Ville - so we actually have a really good chance! AND, it was METICULOUSLY cared for by an elderly couple who documented every single thing they've done, with dates and vendors, for the last 2 decades. The house looks immaculate. I think Steve may have finally met his match! So, I want Wm to see it because, if all goes as planned, it will be his house!

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