Friday, December 22, 2017

Pre-Christmas Insanity

Wm and I are officially on vacation! Steve is almost done at work today, and then we are all officially on vacation. Sadly, Wm has The Cold from Hell. He has had a fever the last 2 days and sounds terrible. I just took his temp and it was normal, so we're hoping he's through the worst of it! His timing was good - he just finished his final exams on Tuesday and started feeling bad Wednesday. It's not a fun way to start holiday break, but he'll be well for Christmas, managed to have perfect attendance his first semester, and took all his finals - so it could have been much worse!

It's been a wild and crazy week. I have had 2 holiday parties and a cookie exchange, Wm had finals (and has made plans for a super fun adventure with a friend!), and this is Steve's crazy time at work with the year closing out.  And, we found out today, we are not the Griswolds! Steve got his annual bonus!! WHEW! Which is good because our new kitchen floor gets installed next week - they had a cancellation!

Wm and I took a much needed slug day today. I only left the house to run to Target to get presents for The Menagerie and Wm is still in his jammies! I couldn't resist and already gave Flip one of his new bones. He's madly chewing on it as I type. He doesn't know it's not Christmas! 't was rainy today, so it was the perfect day to veg. But, Flip was sad that he was cooped up a bunch (hence the new bone):
When is walkies?
While I was at work yesterday, I texted Wm and asked how he was feeling, this was his reply:
Fever flush and sadness
When I got home, it was weirdly warm, so Flip and I walked all around. We saw a whole family of deer!

And Mimi came over to keep a sickly Wm company. They played games and watched a movie. Wm said over and over how much fun he had and how awesome it was that Mimi came over. He is definitely Mimi's biggest fan!

Sadly, Wm decided to quit violin. It just hasn't been fun for him anymore since he can't play at school with his friends. He has said he wants to try the piano, so we may give that a go! I told him he has to do some kind of activity sooner rather than later, so he decided on Spanish lessons! Muy bueno!

Me: I am so lucky. We have the best family. I have the best son in the whole world.
Wm: Totally.
Me And I have the best husband in the whole world.
Wm: [nods]
Me: AND I have the best dog in the whole world.
Wm: Yep.
Me: But I have the 2 shittiest cats.
Wm: YES.
(Wm is now off the cats because they kept him up all night with their nocturnal feline shenanigans while he was sick. He's finally seen the light!! Maybe we'll have cat stew for Christmas dinner!)

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