Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween '17

It was a chilly Halloween, but Wm had a great time and got a record-setting haul! As every year, Steve hands out candy while I take Wm around - he eventually runs into a horde of his amigos and ditches me. This year, however, all his friends called it quits too early for Wm and he came back home and fetched me so he could continue to the bitter end. This year, Wm was a gangster. (He was a somewhat bulky gangster because I made him layer thick, warm clothes under his costume.)

That tommy gun makes the wooooorst noise. I am trying to find a way to make it sleep with the fishes. But Wm loves it. He built the whole costume around it just so he could have it. And the hat. He loves the hat. Weirdo.

Wm: I cannot wait to eat all this candy!!!
Me: Are you going to share?
Wm: You can have the stuff I don't like.
Steve: Do I get some?
Wm: Yeah, you can have whatever you want.
Me: HEY! How come I have to eat the crappy stuff and Pop gets whatever he wants??
Wm: Because Pop likes gross things. But you like the good stuff.
That's because I am a candy connoisseur.

Flip was NOT a fan of Halloween. He thought costumed evil-doers were trying to invade his home all night. So he pretty much spent the entire evening parked in front of the window, barking like a psychotic lunatic. He was probably thinking, "THEY JUST KEEP COMING! No matter how many I scare away...more just show up! And no one even appreciates how hard I am working!" By the time trick or treat was over, he had exhausted himself:

Post Halloween coma. The rogue leg is my favorite.
Steve and I had a vacation day today. It was rainy and cold, so it was the perfect day to snuggle!! And snuggle we did:

We also went out to lunch and got to look at exciting things at Target like window treatments and kitchenware. Next up: Stranger Things.

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