Monday, August 28, 2017

Red Rocket

Wm: OH MY GOD! MOM! MOOOOM!!! THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH FLIP'S WIENER! There is something coming out of it!! It looks like it's bloody!
Me: Oh my god! Where? [Looks at dog wiener.]
Wm: Do you see it?
Wm: WHAT?!??!?
Me: Wm...that is a tiny dog boner. Dogs have different penises. That's what they do. It's fine. He's fine.
Wm: [horrified] Why is it red? Why does it do that? EW.
Me: I have no idea. It's just how they roll. But he's fine. I think he's just happy to be going on a walk.

I don't think Wm will ever be the same...

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