Thursday, March 30, 2017

Middle School Bound!

We went to Wm's middle school information session and official placement acceptance meeting last night. It was AWESOME. The first thing they did was have the kids leave - they followed current students to another part of the building and had a chance to talk to them, ask questions, and then they worked on a team project together. Wm loved it and is SO EXCITED! Meanwhile, us parents stayed back for a presentation. Wm will have the opportunity to take Chemistry and Physics in MIDDLE SCHOOL! Those were junior/senior level classes at my high school! And, the building itself is really impressive. It's open concept with lots of glass walls and wide open center spaces:

When the president of the PTSO got up to talk, I couldn't believe it! His son went to Wm's elementary school and he was my bus stop buddy when Wm was in kindergarten! His son is now in 8th grade. He told me they toured some of the best private schools in Columbus (i.e., Wellington, Academy) and were much more impressed with Metro. He said he thinks his son is getting a far superior education there than he'd get at one of those places. High praise!

There were also 2 girls from Wm's school there. I talked with their parents (who were very nice!), but Wm didn't give a flying fig. He was like, "Girls. Who cares?"

They also have a dress code (collared shirts - tucked in, khaki pants, black leather shoes), so we will have to be careful when buying Wm's clothes for next year! I was like, "no shorts???" Wm goes, "It's got AC."  He is obsessed with the AC!

Also, Luna continues to be cute. When I pet her, if I move from her favorite spot, she grabs my hand and moves it back where she wants it:

After all that work, she was exhausted. And fell asleep like this, snore purring:

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