Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sad Brunch

Despite the fact that it's a couple weeks before Christmas and we were running around in short sleeves yesterday (Endtimes are upon us!), life goes on. Wm continues to work on his various accents:

And we went out for brunch this morning. According to Yelp, a highly rated vegetarian restaurant was literally 2 blocks for our house. They had vegan pancakes, so we decided to walk up this morning. Wm LOVED the pancakes. He had a delightful brunch. But Steve and I did NOT like our food. So we had a very sad brunch. Wm was just thrilled with life and pancakes and the restaurant (he was very impressed with their art and ambiance and the whole experience) - so he insisted that I take a number of pictures of him enjoying his brunch:
Wm loving the pancakes
Wm loving the restaurant
Wm just chillin' happily
And now we are off to buy his black pants for his Strings concert on Wednesday. He is very nervous!! I told him that when he's playing with everyone else, people won't hear if he makes a mistake - the trick is to just keep smiling.  He has a tendency to make upset faces when he makes a mistake, but the world will never know if he doesn't!! He seemed appeased, but is still pretty nervous. They are playing two musical selections: Jingle Bells and Hoe-Down. Very fancy!

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