Friday, October 2, 2015

Fall Gear!

It was in the 40's this morning, so Wm has on his first long pants and sweater of the season! He looked super cute this morning, so I told him I wanted to take a picture. He stood there like he was taking a mug shot, so I go, "do a cute outfit pose!" And this was his pose:
Cute outfit pose
You will see a flurry blur near his foot. That is Schroeder, who we could not make go away and stop intensely rubbing himself all over Wm's legs as we tried to get a picture.

Morning cat loves
Tomorrow is going to be colder and rainy. Wm is a bit sniffly, so I'm not 100% sure I want him out playing soccer in cold rain!! We'll have to see how things play out. I have to work at an Engineering Open House tomorrow morning, so it may be Steve's call!! Later in the day, we are heading over to a friend's for dinner - and Wm is VERY excited because their son is one of his besties. It should be fun!!

Then, Steve does know me well…
Steve: I saw a video you will love today.
Me: Really? Why?
Steve: Well, it's a good song, the one by Elle King. But you'll really like the video.
Me: So, why will I like the video so much?
Steve: Because Elle King objectifies the hell out of men and it has a ton of abs.
Me: Ooooohhh!!! [immediately watch video]
Me: OK - that is an AMAZING video.
Steve: I know you well.
Me: Indeed. [watches video again]

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